Are you looking to enhance and refine your organization’s learning and development strategy? Learn about SHRM’s exclusive five-step process for building and implementing a modern learning and development program. Examine the latest trends in employee development. Gain the insight needed to assess your organization’s needs so you can integrate effective informal and formal employee development approaches.
This program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to:
Describe the evolution of learning and development in today’s workplace
Explain the five-step framework for developing organizational talent
Analyze the learning needs of your organization
Asses your organization’s learning and development landscape to determine skill gaps
Develop learner competencies, assess learner gaps, and create learning interventions
SECTION 1: Introduction
- Welcome
- Course Objectives
SECTION 2: The Evolution of Learning & Development
- Portrait of a Modern Learner
- How Workers Spend Their Time
- How We Learn
- Shifts in Workplace Learning
- The Evolution In L&D
SECTION 3: Assess the Organization
- The Five-step Framework
- Assessment Types
- Sources
- The Greiner Curve
- Assess Your Organization
SECTION 4: Develop Competencies and Define the Gaps
- Definitions
- Why Organizations Use Competencies
- Profile of Highly Successful Performers
- Develop Competencies
- A Sample Competency Model
- Case Study
- Competencies at Your Organization
SECTION 5: Develop the L&D Strategy
- Why Build an L&D Strategy?
- The L&D Organization - Four Characteristics for Success
- Assess Your L&D Organization
- Tie the Strategy to the Business
- Recommend Organizational Interventions
- Perform Action Mapping
- Case Study
- Create a Solution Map
- Elements of a Business Case
- Building a Business Case for Your Organization
SECTION 6: Design the Learning Intervention
- Design Methodologies
- Design Thinking
- SMART/ABCD of Writing Learning Objectives
- Just-in Time Interventions and the Forgetting Curve
- Micro-Learning
- Blended Learning
- Other Trends in Learning
- Development of Learning Materials
- Learning Delivery Systems - Examples
- Marketing Your Intervention
- Create a Learning Intervention for Your Organization
SECTION 7: Evaluate, Reinforce and Refine
- Three Reasons to Evaluate Training
- Kirkpatrick and Beyond
- Survey Questions that Matter
- Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method
- Level 5 Evaluation
- Designing a Survey for Your Organization
- Develop a Meaningful Survey for Your Organization